Archive for August 9, 2008

Outstanding Beijing Olympics Ceremonies

<08-08-08> 8:00 P.M. (Photo Credit: Getty Images – Beijing 2008 Website)Olympics 11 by you.

Ailyn and I watched the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremonies tonight at the National Sports Grill where a huge screen with a real time show was set up for people who were very much into this long awaited event. It was amazing to see at how China had come up with such programme with a participation of (I assume) thousands of Chinese to make all the details from the countdown to the lighting of the torch possible.

I haven’t really expected the whole thing to be as grand as it was. When I was in Beijing last year, I personally saw the Beijing National Olympic Stadium, otherwise called as the Bird’s Nest, in the making, and it just looked really huge, and none other.

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